Professor in Music

Posted 31 January 2025
Salary Professor: Salary will be within the Professorial range and subject to negotiation
End date 28 February 2025
Job Type Research and Teaching

Job description

Job Purpose


To take a senior leadership role by conducting internationally-leading research, delivering research-led education and demonstrating excellence in teaching that supports the strategic objectives and priorities of the School/College in line with the University’s ambitions, and makes a substantial contribution to enhancing teaching and research within the School/College.  To undertake substantial responsibilities associated with managing external stakeholder relationships that enhance the University’s reputation, advance knowledge exchange, public understanding and outreach and strengthen links with professional bodies.


Initially, this post is expected to take on a 3 year term of office as Head of Subject for Music within the School of Culture & Creative Arts.  The Head of Subject  will provide leadership and strategic vision for the Subject Area under the guidance of the Head of School and as part of the wider School Management Team.  They will support the promotion of the subject area both within and out with the University of Glasgow.  The Head of Subject Role Description can be found as an attachment here. It is expected that the Head of Subject Role will have a 0.3FTE allocation.


Main Duties and Responsibilities


1.        Provide leadership across the School and College in relation to research and publication in order to enhance the quality of the School’s international research profile, including conducting personal research of the highest quality and maintaining a consistent high-level output of publications and presentations of world-class quality.

2.        Sustain internationally leading high-quality research activity, seeking and securing funding for a portfolio of research projects through grant applications to external funding bodies, e.g. Research Councils and mentoring early career staff to support their development in securing funding.

3.        Take a leading role across the School and College in relation to strategic learning and teaching initiatives through: embedding a research-led, evidence-based ethos in teaching and learning; leading on teaching collaborations and teaching innovations; and influencing teaching and assessment practices and policy across the School/College.

4.        Undertake academic management and leadership roles and responsibilities across the School and College in a manner that enhances the student experience, ensures programmes are internationally benchmarked and of international standing, and that values and supports a culture of enhancement.

5.        Demonstrate leadership in supervising research projects undertaken by research staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students and ensure the effective development of the staff and students.  Actively engage with potential research students of high calibre intending to undertake postgraduate and doctoral research, building effective working relationships and supervising to completion.

6.        Make a substantial contribution to University Committees/Working Groups to ensure the advancement of learning and teaching policies and practice that align with local and international challenges in Higher Education, evolving student needs and other related changes in the University’s strategic context.

7.        Build effective internal and external collaborations to support the development and mentoring of academic staff and their learning, and to enhance research and teaching within the School and College.

8.        Represent the School/College/University on key external bodies and at significant external events nationally and internationally to promote excellence in research and teaching, and the development of professional practice.

9.        Ensure a substantial track record of, and demonstrate leadership in, knowledge creation and transfer, ensuring impact on external bodies and contributions to public understanding and contributing fully to key strategic initiatives that underpin School, College and University strategies for external engagement.

10.    Engage in continuing professional development activities as appropriate.

11.    Undertake any other reasonable duties as required by the Head of School.

12.    To contribute to the enhancement of the University’s international profile in line with the University’s Strategic Plan, World Changers Together.


Knowledge, Qualifications, Skills and Experience


Knowledge/ Qualifications


A1 Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework level 12 (PhD) or equivalent in related discipline with an extensive and established reputation in research and significant teaching experience within the discipline/subject area.

A2 An established and internationally-recognised reputation for high-quality research and knowledge exchange in subject specialism.

A3 A thorough understanding of, and track record in, contributing to broader academic leadership and management at School/RI/Service/College level.

A4 Engagement with the current and future priorities of University/College/Service strategies, aims and ambitions.

A5 Membership of a relevant professional body.

A6 Comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge of research issues and debates, both nationally and internationally, and future direction of research and teaching in the subject area.



B1 A track record of research, teaching and/or impact that enhances and complements, rather than replicates, existing strengths in the Music Subject area.

B2 A track record of research, teaching and/or impact that can enhances and complements current strengths and priorities in the School of Culture and Creative Arts and/or College of Arts and Humanities.

B3 Demonstrated commitment to the values inspiring the Music Subject area and the School: inspiring curiosity; nurturing community (including, but not limited to, through civic engagement/mission); connecting globally.




C1 Proven ability to lead and deliver high quality and innovative University teaching, including assessment and curriculum development.

C2 A track record of research income generation from a range of sources.

C3 Maintaining a portfolio of research activity of international quality, reputation and impact.

C4 Providing academic leadership across the School/College, leading innovation and management of teaching, setting standards and monitoring progress.

C5 Excellent communication skills with the ability to engage at all levels within the Subject, School, College, University, and beyond, in the academic, policy and practitioner communities.

C6 Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to foster collegiality and collaborative working.

C7 Proven ability to foster research collaborations with colleagues in other disciplines, Schools, Colleges and Universities as appropriate.

C8 Proven project, people and budget management skills.

C9 Leading student supervision and mentoring/coaching early career staff, providing specialist advice, support and academic leadership.

C10 Contributing to the academic leadership and management of the School/College, e.g. by chairing committees and leading on key processes and new initiatives.




E1 Demonstrated commitment to open research, as appropriate to the discipline, through open data, open code, open educational resources and practices that support replication.

E2 Proven commitment to supporting the career development of colleagues and to other forms of collegiality appropriate to the career stage.



F1 Experience of successfully undertaking a significant leadership and/or management post, e.g. Head of Department, Dean, significant leadership post at a professional organization, etc.


Terms and Conditions

Salary will be within the Professorial range and subject to negotiation.


This appointment will be subject to the whole powers and conditions of any Act of Parliament, Ordinances, and Law affecting the University. The appointment is a whole-time appointment, the Professor undertaking to accept paid outside work only with the prior consent of the University Court. This provision does not apply to examinerships and such other appointments as are incidental to the ordinary course of University business.


Details of three referees should be included on the applicant form.


This post is full time (35 hours per week) and open ended.


Informal Enquiries should be directed to Professor Eva Moreda Rodriguez,


Closing Date: 23:45 on 28th February 2025